Parentsmart Employers

”ii4i believes in the capabilities and power we develop through compassion and 360 degree engagement” 

Financial advisor to Föräldrasmart / Parentsmart Employers.  

Föräldrasmart help corporates and organisations develop their internal processes and attitudes related to employees who combine their working life with family life – as working parents or carers of loved ones in other capacities. Tiina Bruno, CEO of Föräldrasmart, has developed a methodology that shows the Return On Investment, or Return on Inclusion, (ROI) that organisations get from developing a more family smart corporate culture. This ROI includes such issues as recognising the managerial abilities an employee develops through his/her parenthood as an asset to the employer as he/she returns to work from parental leave. Föräldrasmart are now developing digital tools and a platform that will allow the more forward-thinking organisation to share their stories with other likeminded, increasing their attractivity in the labour market as competition increases for the best talent.

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